Gardening Club Fall Picnic Tables Fundraiser

Gardening Club, Gardening Club
Oct. 8, 2024, 9:22 am

Gardening Club is having a fundraiser next week from October 7-10, before school, lunch time and after school. We will be in the school store and in the front foyer selling succulents, plants, backpack charms and more. All proceeds from any of our fundraisers this year are going towards more picnic tables. Thank you everyone for supporting this initiative!

See announcement

3D Design Club Intro Meeting!

3D Design Club, Rudra Garg
Oct. 2, 2024, 9:16 am

Join 3D design club this THURSDAY at lunch in room 221 to start your journey into bring your imagination to life.

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Garden Contest award winners

Gardening Club, Gardening Club
Oct. 1, 2024, 9:57 am

We are pleased to announce that our garden at William Lyon is one of the award recepients of the City of Toronto Garden Contest 2024. Small grou[p of our Gardening Club members are going to receive this honour on behalf of all the students working in any capacity on the creation and maintenance of our gardens. !

See announcement

SAC Monthly Look-Back

SAC, Anna Nicola
Oct. 2, 2024, 10:24 am

September was an exciting and eventful month for the student council as we kicked off the school year with several key activities aimed at fostering school spirit and community engagement. Our first major excitement of the year was welcoming everyone back on the first day of school. We were so happy to see new and old faces alike, setting such a positive tone for the year ahead.
Grade 9 Day followed shortly after, and it was a blast! Student Council organized a fun icebreaker-filled day out on the field with activities to help the new high schoolers get to know one another and feel more comfortable here at Mac!
Later in the month, SAC took on the task of painting the bulletin boards, a creative initiative that allowed us to refresh the details of our hallway! On these bulletin boards, we cannot wait to highlight school pride and share important messages.
To honour National Day of Reconciliation, we hosted Orange Shirt Day and our equity representatives screened the movie Beans, facilitating important conversations around reconciliation and the experiences of Indigenous peoples.
It was a month full of collaboration, creativity, and community building! Thank you for everything and we cannot wait to share more of SAC’s plans for the month ahead… Stay tuned by following our Instagram @wlmac.sac and follow the Lyon’s life on @wlmac.lyon. Feel free to reach out with questions or suggestions– SAC serve YOU!
With love,
Your Student Council

See announcement

Orange Shirt Day - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

SAC, Chelsea W
Sep. 26, 2023, 2:27 pm

All this week, Mackenzie's Student Council will be honoring our National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th on our @wlmac.sac Instagram and Lyon's Den website.
On Wednesday, September 27th, Indigenous Author, Karen Chaboyer, will be presenting her memoir entitled They Called Me 33 in the library periods 3 and 4.
On Friday, September 29th, we will be honoring Canada's National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by wearing an orange t-shirt.

See announcement

Semester 2 Final Exam Schedule

SAC, Patrick Lin
May. 26, 2023, 9:23 am

The exam schedule can be found here:
Moratorium will run from June 15th to June 19th (3 school days). During this time classes should be dedicated to exam review and no new content should be taught.
Wednesday, June 28th will be the last day of school. This will be a half day dedicated to textbook return and exam review.
You can refer to our "Study, Set, Go!" series (part 1, part 2, part 3) for some tips on exam reviews. Good luck on exams Mac!

See announcement

Spring Spirit Week

Student Council, Daphne Tu
May. 1, 2024, 7:05 pm

HEYY MAC!!! Get ready because it's SAC’s last spirit event of the year 💔‼️
On Monday. it’s decades day and we will be hosting Name That Song in the caf! There will be multiple winners and they will each get a voucher for a free ice cream on carnival day! 👯️🪩🎵
Tuesday is BBQ dads vs soccer moms, a food day in the caf and a dodgeball game in the gym at lunch! 🍗⚽️
Next, Wednesday is school merch/colours (blue, white, gold) day and lip dub during second period! 💙💛🎤
On Thursday it’s grade wars, so gr9 wear orange, gr10 wear green, gr11 wear blue, gr12 wear red/pink, and our extended lunch carnival day takes place (see below for the carnival map)!
Finally, Friday is skaters vs surfers and we will be giving out free freezies in the school store! 🛹🏄🥶

See announcement

Hey MAC!
Get excited for the Art Council's Arts and Culture Showcase on May 7th! There will be food tastings from 6:15-7:00pm and the show will be from 7:00-9:00pm.
Auditions for the showcase are April 10-12 in the music and dance rooms.
To sign up for dance/drama auditions use this link .
To sign up for music auditions use this link.
To showcase your artwork: bring it to Mr. Noestheden or Ms. Cohen by April 19th
The FIRST ever Culture Fashion show is also happening during the showcase! If you are interested in being a part of it, please come to the dance studio Thursday, March 28 at lunch for a short meeting.

See announcement

Want to show off your amazing talents and have the chance to win a prize? Well you're in luck because MAC's Got Talent is back!
Whether you're a singing sensation, a dancing diva, a comedy king/queen, a magic maestro, or have any other incredible talent up your sleeve, we want to see it! This is your chance to step into the spotlight and let your skills dazzle the crowd.
Please fill out this form by March 5. Auditions will be held Wednesday, March 6, afterschool in the caf. Bring your A-game and prepare to wow our judges with your talent.
Can't wait to see what you've got!

See announcement