Embracing Diversity: African & Chinese Heritage Month at WLMAC

When you think of February, what do you think about? Is it the frigid temperatures and annoying slush, or is the promise of romance with Valentine’s Day right around the corner? In Canada, this month means celebrating two unique and special cultures. February marks the African (Black History) and Chinese Heritage Month.
Historically, these groups have contributed to Canada in a myriad of ways and had to survive many hardships, such as racism and discrimination. However, their cultures today are still thriving, with their contributions impacting our daily lives. From sports to music, our Canadian culture has been greatly influenced by both African and Chinese heritage.
African Canadians have contributed to the development of Canada dating back to the earliest European Settlements. From the Underground Railroad to modern-day immigration, Black Canadians have played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape of Canada.
Similarly, Chinese Canadians have played vital roles in the development of infrastructure through contributions dating back to Canada’s Canadian Pacific Railway. These endeavours have worked toward culminating the rich history and cultural heritage of Chinese Canadians, which in turn have influenced various social aspects of Canada.
At Mackenzie, we proudly celebrate Chinese and African (Black History) Month. Throughout February, our school community is working together to plan several events and activities.
What’s Happening at WLMAC?
-> Black History Month Assembly on Feb 13th
-> Black Student Alliance Symposium Feb 27th
-> BSA Meetings
-> RoShamBo - A School-wide game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, a game originating from China
-> Assorted Equity Activities

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Member Applications for Tech Team Released

Hey Mac!
Have an knack for technology? want to tinker with audiovisual equipment and be behind-the-scenes for Mackenzie's events and performances?
Join Tech Team today! Member applications are open, so fill yours in to join our crew.
Applications are due by June 7th, so don't sit on the opportunity!

W@M Exec Applications Open!

Hey Mac!
Are you interested in supporting mental health and wellness at Mackenzie? Do you want to be in a leadership position while organizing fun events? If so, this is your sign to apply to be on Wellness@Mac's exec team for the 2024-2025 school year! The deadline to apply is June 2nd at noon.
Application link: https://forms.gle/vUVkWcUhUTNGjGEV9
Good luck to those applying!

Mother's Day sale

Gardening Club is having a Mother's Day sale.
We will also sell raffle tickets before, lunch and after scchool in the school store for planters painted and planted by students. Thank you for supporting your gardening club's initiatives.

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