

computer science

First Lyon Computing Competition (LCC) of the Year!

Are you looking to troubleshoot some haunting issues 👻 ?

You’re in luck because MCPT’s first Lyon Computing Competition (LCC) of the year is up and running on Wednesday, October 25 from 5:00 - 7:30 PM (online).

In order to participate you must register at by Monday, October 23rd at 11:59 PM with your team of 3-4 students (1 or 2 members are not allowed).

And if you’re looking for a trick or treat 🍬 for the holiday festivities, the top ranking teams in the junior and senior division will each get a github-themed sticker! So make sure to spread the word, gather your friends, and get ready to solve some eerie-sistible problems 🎃 !

P.S. You must participate in 3 LCCs to be eligible for the CCC and if you’re in an LCC team, only 1-2 members must fulfill the lessons requirement.

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