



Co-Ed Dodgeball Intramurals

Athletic Council, Alexandra Miller
Oct. 11, 2022, 11:41 p.m.

Heyyy MAC!
Dodgeball intramurals are starting soon! We will be hosting a mandatory information meeting on Monday, October 17 in the main gym. You MUST attend this meeting if you wish to participate in dodgeball intramurals! Additionally, there will be a smaller, optional meeting this Friday in main gym to go over sign-ups and any outstanding questions.
Sign ups for dodgeball intramurals will CLOSE on Monday, October 17 at 11:59pm so we strongly advise you to put together a team as soon as possible. The sign up forms can be found on our brand new intramural google classroom! The google classroom code is 4eqbd5o! Make sure to check out our @wlmac.athletics Instagram page and the new google classroom for any updates.
Intramurals will be starting on Wednesday October 19. See you there! :dart: :muscle:

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