
in a day in the life of

Farewell Mr. Johnson

Warisha Shams
July 7, 2023, 2:04 p.m.

As July brings an adventurous summer ahead, let’s recall the past year just one more time. Exam week is over and I’m sure we can all look forward to a restful break. With big events such as the Semi Formal, Prom, the Athletic Ceremony and more, this year has been truly unforgettable! To sign off this school year, we say our goodbyes to Mr. Johnson and Mr. Morris, and we thank them for creating an amazing environment at Mackenzie!

Mr. Johnson. A name of this school. A name that echoes and resounds within the halls of this school and will go on to do so long after his physical presence departs us. A hard-working and ambitious principal who treated this school like his second home. His radiant smile and his sincerity toward students will never be forgotten. From spirited dances on SAC Tiktoks to his drive for spreading diversity in the school within clubs, councils and the student body, Mr. Johnson has been remarkable. Always willing to advise and guide students around him; the title of a supportive principal is just not enough to describe him. His outstanding dedication is present in the countless emails and phone calls he makes to keep families informed of the school environment as well as contacting important individuals to assure Mackenzie runs smoothly. Mr. Johnson has created incredible change at Mackenzie, and although his time here has come to an end, he has undoubtedly brought positivity to the lives of students around him. We thank you Mr. Johnson and wish you all the best for what's to come!

Words of Students:

“Mr. Johnson has been an outstanding principal, arguably the best I have encountered. Under his guidance, Mackenzie has become a place of equity and inclusivity where every student's voice is valued. He has never failed to greet students and is always willing to engage in conversations, even amidst a busy schedule. His passion for his work has been inspiring, and we are grateful for his contributions. We will miss you!” - Crystal Cai

“There’s no denying that it takes a great principal to run such a diverse, driven, and ambitious group of high school students at Mackenzie. Over the last 5 years, Mr. Johnson has done an incredible job at fostering a positive, inclusive, and welcoming learning environment for all. His care and attention to detail does not go unnoticed, as Mr. Johnson makes an effort to remember all the students names and faces, while working hard to ensure that student voices are amplified and well represented. Mr. Johnson has been nothing less than the most amazing principal a school could ask for, and will be missed dearly as he moves on to the next chapter. Best of luck Mr. Johnson, we love you!” - Nicole Poroshenko

“Mr. Johnson was a force to be reckoned with. He made sure every student felt included and he was never shy of taking measures to spread positivity. He created an environment where students were comfortable and happy to be at Mackenzie. He brought great energy to the school, and would always wave to students after school. He will be missed!” - Samia Khan

“At the helm of Mackenzie’s leadership for 5 whole years, Mr. Johnson has been an advocate, a mentor, and a great leader. Managing a whole high school with over 1000 students can be a grueling task, but Mr. Johnson does it with a smile, making sure he says “Good Morning” or “Hello” to students passing by in the halls. If you know him you would know, but he is a very open and approachable principal, and Mr. Johnson never shies away from participating in school events, such as Food Day, Mactoberfest, and other great events we have here at WLMAC. Let’s not forget that Mr. Johnson was the principal during the pandemic, and it is beyond me how he managed to manage and lead during those burdensome times. It is unfortunate to have someone like Mr. Johnson go, but I believe he will go on to do great things wherever life takes him. I sincerely thank Mr. Johnson on behalf of all WLMAC students, for an amazing 5 years full of high school!” - Daniel Park

Listen to this special episode of "A Day in a Life of" to get insight about Mr. Johnson's hobbies, amibitions, journey to our school and beyond.

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