in a day in the life of

A Day in the Life of Ms. Chevannes

Misheel Batkhuu
Feb. 23, 2023, 5:16 p.m.

With September right around the corner and our return to school approaches, summer and everything it stands for - freedom, creativity, happiness - seems on the verge of fading away for another dull 10 months. Alas, there lies hope and sunshine yet! Today, we offer you the words and insights of one of Mackenzie's most beloved staff, co-ACL of Math, fashion icon and trig enthusiast, Ms. Chevannes!

Known across the halls of WLMAC for her bright voice and spontaneous jokes, Ms. Chevannes is very much wanted, if not as a math teacher, as a friend. One knows they can count on her to make learning easy and tests perfectly challenging. When it comes to youth life and voice, there's no better advocate than Ms. Chevannes, who herself may be wise but fundamentally is young at heart. But behind the scenes, do math teachers really derive pleasure from marking tests? How do we get on their good side? Do they actually like math, and if so, what is it like striving (and struggling) to teach their passion to others five days a week (minimum!), ten months a year? Ms. Chevannes will tell you if you'll listen.

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